Pixel Composer is divided into panels.

panels overview

When you click inside the panel, you will set focus on that panel. A focusing panel will have orange outline. Some keyboard shortcuts are context sensitive and will only trigger when a corresponding panel is focusing.


Preview panel display the content of the previewing node. You can preview node by double clicking at the node in graph panel (or press p while focusing on graph panel)

Operations Actions
Pan Middle mouse hold
Zoom Scroll wheel
Focus (view full image) F
Save preview as... Shift + S
Set previewing node Double click

​When previewing image array. Extra controls will appear which allow you to preview each image or play all images as an animation.



​Graph show all nodes in current context.

Operations Actions
Pan Middle mouse hold
Zoom Scroll wheel
Focus (view full image) F
Import image I
Import image array Shift + I
Group G
Ungroup Shift + G

Graph context

When working with complex effect. You can group multiple nodes into node group. Double click on node group will change the graph context to that group and the context navigator will appear on top.



Inspector show properties of the focusing node. Inside inspector also contain timeline at the bottom.


Operations Actions
Copy selecting property Ctrl + C
Paste selecting property Ctrl + V
Play / Pause animation Space
Go to next frame Right arrow
Go to previous frame Left arrow
Go to first frame Home
Go to last frame End



​Collection panel (toggle from panel > collections) show all node collection (pre-made nodes, node group) allowing you to add collection into current project by draging a collection and drop onto graph panel.