

Generate particle effect from input surfaces.

Inputs Type Description
Particle Surface, Surface[] Particle used.
- Use surface array to randomize particle.
Output dimension Int[2] Output size.
Spawn type Int Type of spawning.
- Steam: spawn particle every given time.
- Burst: spawn particle once.
Spawn delay Int [Steam] Delay between each particle spawn.
Spawn frame Int [Burst] Frame to spawn particle.
Spawn amount Int Amount of particle per stream / burst.
Spawn area Float[5] Area to spawn.
Spawn distribution Int How particle spawn in the area.
- Uniform: spawn in the fix grid.
- Random: random position.
- Border: spawn only at the border of the area.
Lifespan Int[2] Lifespan of particle (range).
Velocity Float[4] Spawn speed of particle (range).
Acceleration Float[2] Particle acceleration.
Point at center Boolean Whether to point particle to the center of the area or not.
Spawn angle Int[2] Angle of the particle to spawn (range).
Rotational speed Float Speed that the particle rotate.
Spawn scale Float[4] Size of the particle (range).
Scaling speed Float[2] How the particle size change overtime.
Color over lifetime Gradient Color of the particle.
Alpha Float[2] Transparency of the particle (range).
Alpha fading Float How fast the particle fade out.
Outputs Type Description
Surface out Surface Image output.
Particle data Particles Data used for effector.

Particle sampler

Just like particle nodes. But each particle now sample surface from a given surface when it spawned.

Inputs Type Description
Sample surface Surface Surface to sample from.
Particle shape Surface Shape of the particle (alpha)

Particle Effector

Particle effector takes in particle data, and manipulate them using different algorithm. Allowing you to modify particle after spawn.

Inputs Type Description
Particle data Particle Particle to affect.
Output dimension Float Output size.
Area Float[5] Area of effect.
Falloff Curve How effect got weaker near the edge of the area.
Falloff distance Float Width of the falloff.
Effect type Int Type of effect.
- Wind: push particle in area in one direction.
- Attract: pull all particle to center.
- Repel: push particle out of the center.
- Vortex: rotate the particle around center.
Strength Float[2] Strength of the effect.
Effect Vector Float[2] Direction of the force.
Effect rotation Float Rotate the affected particle.
Effect scale Float[2] Scale the affected particle.
Outputs Type Description
Surface out Surface Image output.
Particle data Particle Particle data.